String Functions in PHP

Hi, friends Today we will learn how many String Function in PHP and their examples.
So let's start.

There are some String functions which is mostly used in PHP.

1- strlen()

This function return length of the string.



     $x = "Hello short tutorials";

     echo strlen($x); // Output 21



Note* it counts of space also

2- str_word_count()

This function return counts the number of words.


<?php $x = "Hello short tutorials"; echo str_word_count($x); // output 3 ?>


3- strrev()

This function return reverse of a string.


<?php $x = "Hello short tutorials"; echo strrev($x); // Output slairotut trohs olleH ?>

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4- strpos()

This function is used to search a text in String, if search data exists in the string it returns the character of position else it does not exist in the string it returns false.


<?php // when search data is exists in data . $data= "Hello short tutorials"; $search_text = "tutorials"; echo strpost($data , $search_text ); // Output 12 // when search text does not exists in data . $data= "Hello short tutorials"; $search_text = "tutorialssss"; echo strpost($data , $search_text ); // Output False ?>

5- str_replace()

This function replaces the character to another character in String.


<?php $data = "Hello Full tutorials"; echo str_replace("Full","Short",$data); // Output Hello Short tutorials ?>


Yeah! You have learned ЁЯШК

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